an exploration of gender through photography and dialogue
Gender Basics
Here are some definitions on gender basics to help frame the language we use in our project.
An ally, in this context, refers to a person who supports the rights of trans people, treats their genders with respect, and actively helps work against transphobia. Allies educate themselves about trans issues and are willing to speak up against discrimination.
Cisgender describes gender identites where individuals' experiences of their own gender match the sex they were assigned at birth.
Sex refers to various qualities displayed by the human body— genitals, hormone levels, chromosomes, internal sex organs, and secondary sex characteristics — that define people as being male, female, or intersex.
Gender is different that sex, referring to the socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that society considers appropriate for men and women. "Male" and "female" are sex categories; “man” and “woman” are gender categories.
Sexual orientation is towards whom someone's sexual desires and drives are oriented. It is separate and independent of gender identity.
The gender binary presumes that everyone is either male or female.
Gender identity describes the psychological recognition of oneself as being a member of a certain gender. Gender identity is determined by a person's internal perceptions and is separate from biological sex.
Gender presentation refers to the way a person expresses their gender identity.
Androgyny is the presence of positive stereotypically masculine and feminine traits in the same individual. While often used as a description of a person’s gender presentation, the term also includes traits unrelated to expression, such as an individual’s capacity to be both nurturing and assertive.
Genderfluid describes someone whose gender identity shifts daily, weekly, or throughout life.
Genderqueer describes someone who does not identify with the gender binary, identifying somewhere on the gender spectrum that is not ‘man’ or ‘woman.’"
Transgender is an umbrella word that refers to those who, either do not identify with the genders assigned to them at birth or who consider themselves members of their birth-assigned genders, whose identities are strongly and consistently non-binary.
Gender-neutral pronouns are used to avoid referring to someone as "he/him" or "she/her." Common gender-neutral pronouns include "they," "hir," and "ze."
Transsexuality describes the condition of being assigned one gender at birth, but having an identity that lies exclusively or near-exclusively in the ‘opposite’ gender. Transsexual-identified people often undergo a social/physical transition.
Transvestism is an outdated word usually used in reference to men who dress as women. Its use should be avoided.

jFurther Resources
Further resources on gender identity and expression. If you have a resource that you want added to the list, please send us a message at
Resources for Allies
TransLifeline Support Hotline (Run by trans people, for trans people)
Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network
National Center for Transgender Equality
#RealLiveTransAdults (Twitter)
Nonbinary Safe Space (Tumblr Blog)
2010 - present
2010 - present